Contact Information

Shop Phone (no voicemails): 403-244-5593

Hours of Operation

Regular Hours

Monday: Closed

Tuesday: 12:00pm - 6:00pm

Wednesday: 12:00 pm - 6:00pm

Thursday: 12:00pm - 6:00pm

Friday: 12:00pm - 6:00pm

Saturday: 10:00am - 4:00pm

Sunday & Monday: closed (except by pre-arranged appointment for out of town)

Closed all Statutory Holidays



Our Address Is:

Bay #9, 6229 Centre Street South
Calgary, AB
T2H 0C7


Coming from Macleod Trail: Turn onto 58th Ave SE, head across the train tracks at Chinook Station, and turn right onto Center St SE. The destination will be on the Right.
Coming from Bow Bottom: Merge onto Glenmore and take the exit onto Center St SE. The destination will be on the Left.

Look for the Rembrandt Flooring and Patioline parking space. We are in the same building as Rembrandt in the last bay.

Do NOT turn into KMS Tools! Google fails to recognize the concrete wall blocking their parking lot from ours. You cannot drive straight through. You MUST go from Center Street directly.